Stakeholder Public Review and Comment Procedures
Rules and Regulations & Minimum Standards
The County of San Luis Obispo, in collaboration with the Aviation Management Consulting Group (AMCG), has developed updated Rules and Rules and Regulations and Minimum Standards for the SLO County Airport. These documents are a critical part of the Airport’s Primary Management Compliance Documents (PMCDs).
PMCDs are comprised of rules, regulations, policies, and standards that govern the operation, management, and development of an airport. In combination, PMCDs are designed to: (1) contribute to the long-term financial health of an airport, (2) facilitate (foster) the orderly development of an airport, (3) encourage the provision of quality products, services, and facilities at an airport, (4) protect the health, safety, interest, and general welfare of the public, and (5) reduce the potential for conflict with tenants, consumers, and users.
The County has established the following mechanism to facilitate the review and comment process:
Before you begin the review and comment process, it is recommended that you review the documents in their entirety to get a general feel as to their layout and content.
Download and save to your computer the corresponding Review and Comment Form for each document using the following links:
When completing the forms:
- Fill-in all of the fields to ensure the accuracy of your comment/suggested changes.
- Be specific in your comments. Clearly state whatever changes you feel are appropriate and why.
- Editorial comments will be accepted and made part of the record, however unless you are specific as to what you want changed, they will not result in modifications to the document.
- When you’re finished, please email the completed Review and Comment Form(s) on or before Friday, July 1, 2022 to the following email address: [email protected].
Printed copies of the draft documents and the Review and Comment Forms are also available at the Airport Office.
NOTE: All comments and/or suggested additions, deletions and modifications must be made in writing.
- Fill-in all of the fields to ensure the accuracy of your comment/suggested changes.
- Be specific in your comments. Clearly state whatever changes you feel are appropriate and why.
- Editorial comments will be accepted and made part of the record, however unless you are specific as to what you want changed, they will not result in modifications to the document.
- When you’re finished, please email the completed Review and Comment Form(s) on or before Friday, July 1, 2022 to the following email address: [email protected].
Printed copies of the draft documents and the Review and Comment Forms are also available at the Airport Office.
NOTE: All comments and/or suggested additions, deletions and modifications must be made in writing.
If you choose not to use the Review and Comment forms, you may also submit written comments directly to Airport staff by mail or email to:
Courtney Pene
Deputy Director, Planning & Outreach
975 Airport Drive
San Luis Obispo, California 93401
[email protected]
You may also review the following Federal Aviation Administration guidance documents that are pertinent to the development of the draft documents:
- Airport Sponsor Assurances
- 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 139 – Certification of Airports
- Order 5190.6B Airport Compliance Manual
- Order 5100.38D Airport Improvements Program Handbook
- Advisory Circular 150/5190-6 Exclusive Rights at Federally-Obligated Airports
- Advisory Circular 150/5190-7 Minimum Standards for Commercial Aeronautical Activities
Next Steps
At the end of the comment period, Airport staff and AMCG will thoughtfully review and respond in writing to all suggested additions, deletions and modifications received. Suggested revisions will be incorporated into the subsequent draft of the Rules and Regulations and Minimum Standards where appropriate. The draft document will then undergo a final review by County staff before being presented to the Board of Supervisors for adoption.